#!/usr/bin/python3 # credit: http://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu/current/html/mininet.html # simple implementation of RIPv2 # no split horizon, no triggered updates, no hold down # In the language of RFC 2453, there are no request messages, only updates. # We avoid using threads. # ALL update messages are sent via multicast; there is no "neighbor discovery" import socket import os import time import select import struct import fcntl import subprocess #import netifaces MADDR = '' MPORT = 520 # used as both source and destination port UPDATE_INTERVAL = 10 # seconds; 5-10 is good when run from an xterm SOCK_SIZE = 2048 READ_TIMEOUT = 1.0 #IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 34 #IP_MULTICAST_IF = 32 RIP_ENTRY_SIZE = 20 RIP_HEADER_SIZE = 4 # RIP flags UPDATECMD = 2 TEXTMSGCMD = 3 # for the send_update2() demo option, below VER_RIP2 = 2 # do we actually make calls to change the system forwarding tables? MODTABLES = True """ header word: command(1), version(1), zero(2). As bytes: [2,2,0,0] rip_entry: AF(2), route_tag(2), IP_addr(4), mask(4), next_hop(4), metric(4) """ # arriving RIPv2 messages are parsed into class RipEntry objects class RipEntry: def __init__(self, af, tag, ipaddr, mask, nexthop, metric): self.af_ = af # must be socket.AF_INET (=2) self.tag_ = tag # must be zero self.ipaddr_ = ipaddr # in 32-bit numeric format self.mask_ = mask # in 32-bit numeric format self.nexthop_ = nexthop # zero means send to neighbor that advertised route self.metric_ = metric def ipaddr(self): return self.ipaddr_ def mask(self): return self.mask_ def metric(self): return self.metric_ def nexthop(self): return self.nexthop_ def af(self): return self.af_ def tag(self): return self.tag_ # TableKey is the key to the shadow routing table RTable class TableKey: def __init__(self, ipaddrn, netmaskn): # ipaddrn and netmaskn as 32-bit integers self.ipaddrn_ = ipaddrn self.netmaskn_ = netmaskn def ipaddr(self): return self.ipaddrn_ def netmask(self): return self.netmaskn_ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.ipaddrn_) ^ hash(self.netmaskn_) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.ipaddrn_ == other.ipaddrn_ and self.netmaskn_ == other.netmaskn_ else: return False class TableValue: def __init__(self, interface, nexthop, metric): self.interface_ = interface # never used here; might be needed for poison reverse self.nexthop_ = nexthop # in dotted-quad string format # zero means send to neighbor that advertised route self.metric_ = metric def interface(self): return self.interface_ def nexthop(self): return self.nexthop_ def metric(self): return self.metric_ # RTable is our current dictionary of pairs, a shadow copy of the real forwarding table RTable = {} def main(): IFADDRS = getifaddrdict() myInterfaces = list(IFADDRS.keys()) myIPaddrs = list(map(lambda x: x[0], IFADDRS.values())) print('interfaces:', list(IFADDRS.keys())) print('ipaddrs:', list(map(lambda x: x[0], IFADDRS.values()))) socks = createMcastSockets(IFADDRS) starttime = time.time() next_update_time = starttime while True: if time.time() >= next_update_time: next_update_time += UPDATE_INTERVAL send_update(socks) ready_sockets,_,_ = select.select(socks, [], [], READ_TIMEOUT) if ready_sockets == []: continue # READ_TIMEOUT occurred for s in ready_sockets: # normally just one socket try: msg,src = s.recvfrom(SOCK_SIZE) except socket.timeout: msg = None if msg == None: continue (saddr,sport) = src # saddr is in dotted-quad-string format if saddr in myIPaddrs: print('received update message from self, via IP address {}'.format(saddr)) continue if not validate_header(msg, saddr): continue riplist = parse_msg(msg, saddr) ### print('RIPmsg list of length {} received from {}'.format(len(riplist), saddr)) update_tables(riplist, saddr) # The following returns a dictionary mapping interface names to their IPv4 address (or first such address, if there are more than one). def getifaddrdict(): myInterfaces = os.listdir('/sys/class/net/') # now use SIOCGIFADDR, SIOCGIFNETMASK myInterfaces.remove('lo') # we don't want to multicast to ourself! ifaddrs = {} for intf in myInterfaces: ifaddrs[intf] = get_ip_info(intf) return ifaddrs # get first IP address and netmask of an interface, in dotted-quad format def get_ip_info(intf): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) SIOCGIFADDR = 0x8915 # from /usr/include/linux/sockios.h SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0x891b intfpack = struct.pack('256s', bytes(intf, 'ascii')) # ifreq, below, is like struct ifreq in /usr/include/linux/if.h ifreq = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), SIOCGIFADDR, intfpack) ipaddrn = ifreq[20:24] # 20 is the offset of the IP addr in ifreq ipaddr = socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddrn) netmaskn = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), SIOCGIFNETMASK, intfpack)[20:24] netmask = socket.inet_ntoa(netmaskn) return (ipaddr, netmask) # create and configure a socket for each (non-loopback) interface def createMcastSockets(ifaddrs): socks = [] for intf in ifaddrs: (ipaddr, netmask) = ifaddrs[intf] ipaddrn = aton(ipaddr) # convert to 32-bit numeric format netmaskn= aton(netmask) subnetn = ipaddrn & netmaskn RTable[TableKey(subnetn, netmaskn)] = TableValue(intf, None, 1) print ('interface: '+intf) print('ipaddr of {} is {}/{}'.format(intf, ipaddr, slash(netmaskn))) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.settimeout(READ_TIMEOUT) # The following sets the IP header TTL value. 1 means Do Not Forward sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # prevents "address already in use" errors when we call sock.bind below # The next call makes the socket RECEIVE only on the specified interface sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BINDTODEVICE, bytes(intf, 'ascii')) # The following prevents transmitted packets from being delivered back to the sender sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, False) # The next call makes the socket TRANSMIT only on the specified interface # socket.inet_aton() returns a bytestring, not an integer # No apparent change if this is omitted, because of the subsequent call sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(ipaddr)) # next call is for joining a multicast group; it is essential for communication. try: addrpair = socket.inet_aton(MADDR)+ socket.inet_aton(ipaddr) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, addrpair) except OSError as ose: print('IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed: {}'.format(ose)) sock.bind((MADDR, MPORT)) # (MADDR,MPORT) is our multicast group socks.append(sock) return socks # update_sender is the IP address in dotted-quad string form of the sender of this update def update_tables(riplist, update_sender): global RTable for entry in riplist: if entry.af() != socket.AF_INET: continue if entry.tag()!= 0: continue if entry.nexthop()!= 0: continue ipaddrn = entry.ipaddr() # n for numeric form netmaskn = entry.mask() ipaddr = ntoa(ipaddrn) netmask = ntoa(netmaskn) if ipaddrn != (ipaddrn & netmaskn): print ('warning: address {} inconsistent with mask {}'.format(ipaddr, netmask)) cost = entry.metric() TK = TableKey(ipaddrn, netmaskn) if TK in RTable: # we have an existing entry for this destination TVal = RTable[TK] currentcost = TVal.metric() currentnexthop = TVal.nexthop() newcost = entry.metric() + 1 if ( (newcost < currentcost) # lower-cost route or (newcost > currentcost and currentnexthop == update_sender) # next_hop increase ): interface = None RTable[TK] = TableValue(interface, update_sender, newcost) call_list = ['/sbin/route', 'change', '-net', ipaddr, 'netmask', netmask, 'gw', update_sender] print ('updating route to {}/{}'.format(ipaddr, slash(aton(netmask)))) if MODTABLES: subprocess.call(call_list) else: # this is a new destination interface = None cost = entry.metric() + 1 RTable[TK] = TableValue(interface, update_sender, cost) call_list = ['/sbin/route', 'add', '-net', ipaddr, 'netmask', netmask, 'gw', update_sender] print ('adding route to new destination {}/{}'.format(ipaddr, slash(aton(netmask)))) if MODTABLES: subprocess.call(call_list) def send_update(socks): buf = struct.pack('>BBh', UPDATECMD, VER_RIP2, 0) # two unsigned bytes and a halfword, in network byte order for dest in RTable: ipaddrn = dest.ipaddr() netmaskn = dest.netmask() cost = RTable[dest].metric() buf += struct.pack('>HHIIII', socket.AF_INET,0, ipaddrn,netmaskn,0,cost) for s in socks: s.sendto(buf, (MADDR, MPORT)) # The following alternative send_update is used to send demonstration text messages instead of RIP updates def send_update2(socks): buf = struct.pack('>BBh', TEXTMSGCMD, VER_RIP2, 0) # two unsigned bytes and a halfword, in network byte order buf += 'here is the multicast message'.encode('utf-8') print('sending multicast message') for s in socks: s.sendto(buf, (MADDR, MPORT)) def parse_msg(msg, src): offset = RIP_HEADER_SIZE riplist = [] while len(msg)-offset >= RIP_ENTRY_SIZE: (af, tag, ipaddr, mask, nexthop, metric) = struct.unpack_from('>HHIIII', msg, offset) offset += RIP_ENTRY_SIZE if af != socket.AF_INET: continue riplist.append(RipEntry(af, tag, ipaddr, mask, nexthop, metric)) return riplist def validate_header(msg, src): (command, version, zero) = struct.unpack_from('>BBh', msg, 0) if command==UPDATECMD and version == VER_RIP2 and zero==0: return True elif command == TEXTMSGCMD: print('text message from {}: {}'.format(src, msg[4:].decode('utf-8'))) return False else: print('received unknown RIPv2 message') return False # def aton(ip): return int(socket.inet_aton(ip).encode('hex'),16) # converts a netmask in 32-bit format to a slash number, eg 0xfffff000 -> /20 def slash(maskn): i = 0 while maskn & 0xffffffff != 0: maskn = maskn << 1 i += 1 return i def aton(ip): return struct.unpack(">I", socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] def ntoa(ip): return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack(">I", ip)) main()